Check out our *NEW* Bog!


... Yes, I didn't say "blog", I said "bog"!

Here, it looks like a garden spot to mud wrestle, but actually, it's a very wet area (year-round) where we've decided to provide a location to educate our community on purposes and benefits of utilizing a BOG in your own garden! We are so excited to finally have the area planted with some wonderful water-loving plants.

noun: bog; plural noun: bogs; noun: the bog
  1. 1.
    wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body.
    "the island is a wilderness of bog"
    synonyms: marsh, swamp, muskeg, mire, quagmire, morass, slough, fen, wetland, bogland
    "the bogs were alive with chirring insects and croaking frogs"
  • 2.
    a bathroom.
  • verb
    verb: bog; 3rd person present: bogs; past tense: bogged; past participle: bogged; gerund or present participle: bogging
    1. 1.
      cause (a vehicle, person, or animal) to become stuck in mud or wet ground.
      "the car became bogged down on the beach road"
      • (of a person or process) be unable to make progress.
        "you must not get bogged down in detail"
    Middle English: from Irish or Scottish Gaelic bogach, from bog ‘soft.’
    Translate bog toChoose languageAfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianBurmeseCatalanCebuanoChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHindiHmongHungarianIcelandicIgboIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKoreanKurdishKyrgyzLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMongolianNepaliNorwegianNyanjaPashtoPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiRomanianRussianSamoanScottish GaelicSerbianShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovakSlovenianSomaliSpanishSundaneseSwahiliSwedishTajikTamilTeluguThaiTurkishUkrainianUrduUzbekVietnameseWelshWestern FrisianXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu
    Use over time for: bog

    Come VIEW our newest garden exhibit on the hillside above the butterfly habitat!

    Create a Beautiful Bog Garden

    Some fabulous plants will only grow in soil that is permanently moist, and even if you don't have a boggy area in your garden, it's quite easy to create one.
    Colorful Flowers in a Pond Atmosphere

    When to Start: Anytime
    At Its Best: Summer
    Time to Complete: 2 days

    Dig Out Border

    Next to your pond or other suitable area, use a garden hose to make a curved and natural outline for your bog garden. Dig it out to a depth of about 24 inches and set the soil aside. Although you want the soil in your bog garden to be moist, it shouldn't be completely saturated or it will lack oxygen, which is vital for healthy plant roots.

    Plant Up

    Position your bog plants, still in their pots, and when you're happy with the design, plant them so that they are at the same level as in their pots, or slightly deeper. Mulch with organic matter. Keep well watered until the plants are fully established.

    Bog Plants from Nursery Pots