One Month til Spring.. We got this.


Who is ready to shake off that winter chill? I am and have been dreaming of the sweet smell of hyacinths and vibrant blooms of tulips for the past couple winter months. February, although the shortest month of the year, always seems to be the longest for me. The damp cold really gets into my bones, and it has me wanting to hunker down and not leave the comfort of my couch and fireplace.

Come March, I will start getting antsy. I start planning out my vegetable garden and annual flower displays as soon as a glimmer of spring is on the horizon. I struggle to not clear my beds on that first warm day, but I know the pollinators need just a little bit longer to stay safe. Since, as we all know, those temps never stay warm. So, while I dream of warmer weather, I start browsing online for new seeds and plants. I have a really bad Esty seed addiction and always end up with way more than I could ever use. I try to spread my love among friends and pass out seeds, but I typically have even more left over. I am sure I am not the only person out there with this problem! So why not share with fellow gardeners with the same passion?

Last year, we started a public seed exchange at our Welcome Center at Clary Gardens, located in the restroom building. This was a huge hit! We had several large seed donations from local greenhouses, as well as many individual seed donations that made for a great selection. Piggy backing off of this idea, we have decided to host a public Family Seed Exchange. Everyone is welcome to bring leftover seeds, or favorite seeds to share with fellow gardeners and help stock the seed exchange.

And to make this day extra special, it also falls on National Children’s Craft Day and National Learn About Butterflies Day. With this in mind, we will have a few spring crafts for children to do, as well as information about our local butterflies and plants that can help you attract them to your garden.

Written by Jodi Shrimplin, lead gardener and educator at Clary Gardens.

Thoughts?? Contact Jodi at

Birdseed Ornament Workshop


It is amazing how much our world changes, from season to season! Winter seems to bring the most extreme of shifts- our bird populations shift, our trees lose their leaves, our flowers die back, and our animals become scarce. Snow will soon begin replacing the grass on the ground and our once luscious lawns become a frozen tundra. Even though the summer tropical migratory birds have long left, we still have some vibrant native species that stick around. I have a large lilac bush in my back yard, and in the winter, I love to look out my kitchen window and see it speckled with red cardinals and blue jays. I always have the feeders stocked in the late winter, and the birds show their appreciation by giving me a colorful display against the white canvas of snow.

Although birds have been foraging for centuries, I still like to do my part and give them a nice, late winter pick-me-up. I started making birdseed ornaments a couple of years ago, and they have been a hit in my back yard ever since! Also, they are fun and easy to make, so it is an enjoyable activity for my sons and I to do on snow days. I use a super simple recipe of unflavored gelatin and bird seed (small seed birdseed-it seems to hold together better)! That is it. Just mix them together and smush the mixture into a mold. I use silicone molds with a hole in the center, that way I can just run some twine though the middle and hang the food anywhere! You can use any mold you would like, but if it does not have a hole, don’t forget to push a straw through to create a gap for your tie. After filling your mold of choice, you let the mold dry overnight. After the mold is set, you pop out your ornament and hang it out for the birds. The silicone molds make this last part of the process a breeze since they are so malleable. Occasionally, the ornaments will split upon release, and when this happens, I just set to broken pieces out on a rock and the chipmunks and squirrels are very appreciative!

Attend our annual "Bird Seed Workshop"

When: February 7th, 4-6pm

Where: Clary Gardens

Cost: $15 (includes silicone mold & 1 created birdseed ornament)

Join us on Tuesday, February 7th from 4-6pm for our birdseed workshop! We will be making birdseed ornaments as well as other natural birdseed feeders that can be used outside during these months when food for our native birds is scarce.

"Winter Sowing"??


Winter Sowing: Starting Seeds Outdoors

When you first learn about winter sowing it seems a bit mysterious. How can seeds germinate out in the cold—don’t they need warmth and moisture to sprout?

Yes they do. But, some seeds also need a cold chill in preparation for germination and that’s where this method can help. I’ve provided lots of tips and seed suggestions below.

We call it ‘winter sowing’ but instead of sowing the seeds directly outdoors we’re sowing in clear, closed but ventilated containers like milk jugs that are placed outdoors to experience winter conditions. The seeds remain dormant while chilling, and, as spring approaches, light and heat increase and germination is triggered.

**We found this AMAZING newsletter article on ^^^ EMPRESSOFDIRT.NET

Find the entire article, published January 2, 2023, by clicking HERE

>>>> Step by step instructions are included!

***Interested in LOCAL, HANDS-ON experience? Join us Saturday, January 21st, from 4:00p-6:00p, at Clary Gardens. Local gardener and experienced "Winter Sower," Jessica Sampsel will be onsite at Clary Gardens to show us how it's done. To obtain info and RSVP, visit the Winter Sowing Event on Clary Gardens' Event Calendar.

Our Favorite Season... Visit Clary Gardens in FALL


Wow! Have you been to Clary Gardens yet this October? October is THE month for spectacular displays, events, and activities. *Remember that we are OPEN everyday from sun-up to sun-down, except for Saturday, October 22nd (private wedding rental). You still have time to visit the gardens this fall. It's peak time to see all the beautiful autumn colors and visit our new hillside waterfall!

Family "Trail & Treat" is BACK


Don't miss our 5th Annual Family Trail and Treat Night at the gardens on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 4:30-5:30! Dress the kids in their favorite costume and bring a bag to collect treats. We will have costumed volunteers throughout the paths passing out candy and giving away a few educational tidbits about the gardens. Refreshments, face-painting, and other activities will be available by donation.

This is a garden fundraiser: $1 per person to enter the gates. We hope to see you at Clary's!

While here, also take time to check out some of our Scarecrow 'scenes'. Take selfies with them and then head on over to to vote for your favorites!